Preservation Hints for Time Capsule Items Booklet
Archivally Speaking Series
How do you preserve the items inside of your time capsule? This booklet explains preservation hints for you to use when placing your time capsule items inside the time capsule.
You will need to consider the paper things that you will store inside of the time capsule (letters, newsprint, legal documents, photocopies), and books (printed and manuscript).
You will probably have photographs (color, black-and-white, slides, negatives, digital), films and tapes (videotapes, 16mm film, 35mm film, DVD and CD)
You may also have software related computer files (your website). You will have special artifacts (trinkets, glasses, paperweights).
Perhaps you have textiles (memorabilia such as a baseball, a T-Shirt, a stole, a quilt patch, a baseball cap).
With all these items in mind, we've developed a few common sense guidelines on care & preservation of those items before & after placing in the capsule. Our booklet Preservation Hints for Time Capsule Items explains what to do for your items before placing them inside of your time capsule to keep them in top condition till the time they are viewed again. Includes basic tips.
Preservation Hints for Time Capsules covers:
- What a stable storage environment is and why you should use one
- Why you should use good paper in a time capsule
- What everyday items you use for organizing papers should be avoided, and why
- Ideas for mounting things inside of a time capsule safely
- Tips for making sure your photos last in a time capsule
- Why you should never laminate items in a time capsule - and covers alternatives to laminating
- Describes removing acid from papers
- Discusses plastics used for photo pages and document sleeves
- Talks about preparing textiles for placement into a time capsule
- What to do if you have rubber items, wooden items, and leather items
These tips will improve the value of that gift to the future you plan on sending! Learn the secrets of how to preserve those items.