Eli Lilly's Time Capsule Plaza

These photos from Eli Lilly show an interesting placement idea for time capsules. By the way, the Eli Lilly Time Capsule measured 12 inches in diameter and was 14 inches in height. They placed their time capsule at a groundbreaking event in 2004. Photos show some challenges that they succeeded in hurdling when they finally buried the capsule. 

Boulder Placement

Eli Lilly Time Capsule All DoneThe Eli Lilly Time Capsule was placed underneath a boulder. It’s a good idea to place your time capsule this way. The boulder helps protect the area above. Such a placement idea has become more popular in recent years. A time capsule boulder placement has several advantages.

Advantages of a Boulder Placement

  1. It protects the area above the ground where the time capsule is placed. Rain and snow (and sun) will reach the boulder first.
  2. It provides additional insulation from the elements and changes in temperature.
  3. It’s an eye-catcher – easy to spot the small dedication plaque and the passerby wants to read it.

Disadvantages – Mostly in Handling

  1. Find the boulder
  2. Get the boulder delivered
  3. Place the time capsule in the ground
  4. Position the boulder above the place where the time capsule lies – consider weight, manpower, equipment

Jennifer Bateman and her group placed the Eli Lilly Time Capsule at the Eli Lilly Tippecanoe Labs facility in Lafayette, Indiana. We were proud to be a part of their project! They plan to open their time capsule in 2054. We are grateful that they shared their photos with us.

Lowering the boulder Moving the boulder
Placing the boulder enclosure Moving the boulder into place

Here is a photo of the engraved lid for the time capsule. This time capsule was a custom made container that they sealed themselves. 
Engraved Lid for Eli Lilly Time Capsule