Eli Lilly Time Capsule 2003

Eli Lilly Time Capsule All Done

Eli Lilly's Time Capsule Plaza

Photos provided by Eli Lilly show an interesting placement idea for time capsule containers. The Eli Lilly Time Capsule measured 12" d x 14" and they gathered their items in 2003. They placed their time capsule in 2004 at their Time Capsule Plaza in Lafayette, Indiana. Photos show some challenges that they succeeded in hurdling when they finally buried the capsule below the boulder. The capsule is secured beneath the boulder. Although today (in 2017) Eli Lilly is no longer located there, it is now Evonics, and the time capsule is still there. The owners intend to be faithful to the opening instructions, and some of the same people who were at Eli Lilly are still at the new company.

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