Time Capsules 101: What are they and when to open them
Time Capsules 101: What are they and when to open them
This article helps define what a time capsule is, some of the history
behind it, and how to choose an opening date for your time capsule. Find references here for the "Book of Record" made by the first time capsule ever - the Westinghouse Time Capsule of Cupaloy at the 1939 World's Fair. And it discusses how others have determined the opening year for their time capsule and the thinking behind them. Doing a report? Start here.
Time Capsule Shapes to Consider
Time Capsule Shapes to Consider
Comparing Cylinder & Box Time Capsules
When choosing the time capsule shape you need, consider these things first. You might have a preconceived notion of what shape the capsule should be. "Shouldn't it look like a pill capsule?" is a comment we often hear. The bullet shaped Time Capsule of Cupaloy at the World's Fair in 1939 gave people the vision and then the preconceived notion of what shape the capsule should be. But when you actually do your time capsule, it's a different matter. Major differences in shapes are...